Welcome Fr. Louis Anin!

We have a special guest now living in Our Lady of Divine Providence family of parishes, Fr. Louis Anin. He is an African, a native of Ghana, one of the countries of the south-facing Atlantic coast of West Africa. Ghana, which is about 15% Catholic and many other Christians, is considered one of the most successful democracies in Africa. Fr. Louis (pronounced lwees, like the Spanish name “Luis”), has been sent by his bishop to study and obtain a master’s degree in Applied Spirituality and Pastoral Care at Xavier University. This will enable him to counsel and help heal people who have been spiritually wounded. While there is a Ghanaian Catholic community in Cincinnati (whom Fr. Louis has already met), his VISA allows him only to study, not to be employed in ministerial work. However, you may see him concelebrating Mass or occasionally filling in as a substitute at Mass or helping with Confessions

Fr. Louis is fifty years old, is a priest of the Archdiocese of Kumasi, Ghana, and has been ordained for twenty years. He is now living in St. Vivian Parish’s rectory.

Fr. Louis’ tuition will be paid by his bishop (Xavier University has provided some scholarship). However, during his two years here, our family of parishes will be providing room and board and some other expenses for Fr. Louis. Transportation is an issue. For now, I am driving Fr. Louis to and from Xavier University a few times a week. We are looking for: 1) Some volunteers to be part of a rotation to provide this transportation (this semester, his on-campus classes are Monday and Tuesday evenings, 6:30-9:00pm), and 2) Someone to donate (or at least to give us a very good deal on) a good used car (Is there one in your family?). This is an important part of the mission of the Church, to share our resources and to help the Church grow strong in places where it is still relatively new and resources are scarce.

Please greet and welcome Fr. Louis, and please pray for him that his studies and his time here will be good for him and for the Church.

~ Fr. Umberg


Fr. Umberg’s Message for Beacons of Light


Our New D.R.E. - Donna Booker