Our New Director of Administration - Kathy Rothschild

I have appointed Ms. Kathy Rothschild to be the Director of Administration for the six parishes of the Our Lady of Divine Providence family of parishes. Kathy is a Certified Public Accountant who has been heavily involved in administration as the Business Manager of St. Vivian parish for 24 years, and of St. Bartholomew for about 8 years. She has also been administering the shared expenses of our family of parishes since my arrival last July. These shared expenses are multiplying as various employees are transferred or hired to serve all six parishes. I am grateful for Kathy’s willingness to take on these new responsibilities. While this appointment is effective July 1, 2023, Kathy will remain Business Manager for St. Vivian and St. Bartholomew, and the business managers of the other parishes will continue their current responsibilities until the legal merger of the six parishes (probably about four years from now). For now, Kathy will be working with the other business managers, gradually familiarizing herself with their current accounts and procedures.

 ~ Fr. Umberg

Our New D.R.E. - Donna Booker


Our New Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministry - Randi Hom